Co-Founder and Director of Operations
Rebeeca is a powerhouse of energy and light who has a bright vision for our future. She currently serves as the St. Paul City Council Vice President and Ward 2 Councilmember. She is a proud resident of St. Paul's West Side. As a community builder, an incurable optimist, a wife, and a mom, she likes to work hard, to wake up early, to think deeply about policy issues, to see all sides of a problem, to listen, and to get things done.
Co-Founder and Program Director
As a young Viet woman who has dreamt of running for office the past 14 years, Dieu brings passion, empathy, and hope to her work in public service. Originally from Virginia, MN, she has been active in the Twin Cities the last few years as a student at Hamline University, a community organizer, and activist. Her passions lie in youth and women empowerment, civic engagement, and making local government accessible for folks of all backgrounds and identities.
Creative Consultant
Maddie is currently a senior at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities studying Political Science and Journalism. Outside of her studies, she works part-time as a bank teller and is a freelance artist. In her free time, she enjoys drawing, attending concerts, and spending time with friends and family.
Get in touch to learn more about our fellowship program and how you can make a difference in our community